Grendel is Great

 Its been awhile since I talked about the other less recent addition to our family. Yes, Grendel is doing great, feeling great and is such a great kitty. I think it's been two years or so now since he came home with a broken leg. I believe he's four and a half now, and you'd never know he had such an awful injury.

We'd been feeding him since July/August 2020, according to a video I found of him rolling in catnip. I'll post it on Facebook and Instagram. 

As some of you know he showed up one day in January 2021 with a broken leg. He was clearly in pain. He couldn't put any weight on that leg, and he had difficulty putting it down to rest. We still don't know what happened. We just know he came to us for help. 

We fixed him up, and got him neutered in the process. He's been ours ever since. 

I've said before that he's Dan's cat, and for the most part that is true. Grendel and I have always gotten along well. He is a really good boy, and doesn't pester us to go out at night anymore. 

With Amir's arrival, it was important to me that Grendel and Freya don't feel left out. Amir is a vocal and demanding cat, and I need all my kitties to understand they are loved equally. Perhaps Grendel's demeanor has changed with another boy cat in the house. Perhaps I'm being a bit more observant, but I see more and more of his gentle personality everyday. He's our Chill Boy, who asks for so little, and I appreciate him so much more.

The other day, I watched him and Amir by the window. Grendel was there first. Amir still wanted to sit in the windowsill, and snuck up close to Grendel. Grendel just sort of tapped him, like, "Hey..." Amir ignored it, and sat right beside Grendel, who once again tapped him like, "Hey..." Amir pushed past Grendel and smooshed himself into the window sill, blocking Grendel's view, and again Grendel tapped him. "Hey..."

Remember when I said Amir had manners? Not for other cats apparently. So I picked Grendel up, and brought him to the bedroom window instead. He squirmed, of course, he still hates to be held. But he relaxed a little when he realized I was giving him his own window again. I gave him a kiss and stroked his nose, and I received loud purrs for it. 
Made my heart squish.    

These days he prefers to nap in the cat tower all day. When I stop to say hello, he stretches his neck out for chin scratches, and sometimes gives me kisses. I get a lot more bathroom visits too. Grendel likes to walk around purring and accepting lots of pets, especially on his nose. He shows me his TEEFS, and I feel my heart burst with adoration. He and Freya have figured out that if they jump in the tub, Mommy will turn the tap on for fresh water. But Grendel's favorite part of the bathroom visit is The Flush.  Dan tells me that's his jam. When we flush the toilet in my house, we get out of the way so Grendel can put his paws up and watch the contents swirl away and disappear. I don't know, is that cute or weird? Was that TMI? 

I just wanted to let you know, he's happy and healthy. No one ever came looking for him. We found no posts and no posters of him. That's okay. He's always got a family here. He will always be our Chill Baby.



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